Milonguero Style of Tango
The following information represents my own personal understanding of the milonguero style of Argentine Tango. I realize there are many other views and I respect them all because there are no right or wrong perspectives. Often it comes down to a matter of preference.
Who is a milonguero (Male) or a milonguera (Female)? To me, the milonguero or milonguera is one (the couple) that upholds the values of milonguero style of tango.
What is milonguero style of Argentine Tango? Again in my view, it is a style of Argentine Tango that upholds the values of a milonguero embrace.
What is a milonguero embrace? A milonguero embrace, usually as a close embrace, provides both comfort and safety to each dancers, while simultaneously respecting the other dancers on the dance floor, combined with being very considerate of the other participating Argentine Tango communities and respects the Argentine Tango culture as a whole.
Simple? Yes, it really is simple! The key word here is respect!
How can we cultivate the culture of respect? Well, the milongueros of the Golden age of Argentine Tango, realizing this problem, came up with a set of etiquettes (better known as códigos) that participants could follow to ensure an enjoyable experience by all.
At the end of the day, we all want to dance more at the social events. As such, the more we uphold, embrace, and respect values of Argentine Tango, the more we will be in demand and the more enjoyable the experience will be for all involved.